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It's easier than ever to get our healthy beef

We have exciting news! Our pasture raised and grass finished beef, raised as always on our farm, is now available to purchase through our partners at The Old Road Farm. This allows you to choose lots of easy ways to get our beef.



The Old Road Farm offers multiple pick up sites including Pittsburgh's Strip district, South Hills/Mt. Lebanon, the Washington Farmers Market or at the beautiful Old Road Farm, only 10 miles from Heritage Trail Farm.



We are so excited to provide this expanded option to support regenerative agriculture and small farms. The Old Road Farm uses regenerative practices to produce organic fed, pasture raised chicken, eggs, turkey, pork, and grass-fed lamb.

Along with our beef, you now have so many more options to provide healthy food for your family, buy pasture raised meats, while supporting local small farm agriculture! It's a win-win!

Pick up sites

Plus eggs, chicken and more...

76 Heritage Trail

Prosperity, PA 15329



Phone: 724-222-5766

Red Devon USA Member



Herbataurus Society


approximately 40 miles south of Pittsburgh.
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